GREEN LAB in Catania– Design of nature-based solutions for hydraulic risk mitigation in urban and sub-urban contexts

Presentazione The GREEN LAB on “Design of nature-based solutions for hydraulic risk mitigation in urban and sub-urban contexts” is organized by the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A) of the University of Catania and the Energy Water Agency – EWA of Malta, in collaboration with the Engineers’ Association...

Performance evaluation of HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS models to locate Nature-Based Solutions in a Sicilian hydrological river basin) – Water Innovation and Circularity Conference (WICC)

From June 7th to 9th, 2023, in Athens, Greece, the “Water Innovation and Circularity Conference” (WICC) took place. This event brought together researchers, engineers, and water sector professionals from academia, industry, water services, public authorities, and administration with the aim of exchanging knowledge and experiences. For more details on...

Water Innovation and Circularity Conferenze (WICC)

From June 7th to 9th, 2023, in Athens, Greece, the “Water Innovation and Circularity Conference (WICC)” will be held, bringing together researchers, engineers, and water sector professionals from the academic, industrial, water services, public authorities, and administration worlds to exchange knowledge and experiences. The conference is organized within the...

19 April 2023 0 Comments

ECOMED: “extreme events and climate change: the tomorrow that can no longer wait – between technological innovation, planning, and infrastructure”

On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, a seminar of particular relevance titled “extreme events and climate change: the tomorrow that can no longer wait between technological innovation, planning, and infrastructure” was held in the IONIO Room Misterbianco (CT), Sicilia, as part of the “ECOMED project comfort green expo of the...

2 February 2023 0 Comments

“101 ideas for Catania” for the regeneration of Catania with interventions to mitigate hydrogeological risk

The initiative “101 ideas for Catania for the regeneration of Catania with interventions to mitigate hydrogeological risk“, organized by the Order of Engineers of Catania in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Dicar), University of Catania (Unict) and the Municipality of Catania, and supported by Department...

28 January 2023 0 Comments

Hydraulic Risk Mitigation in Urban Areas

The seminar held on January 28, 2023, as part of the MASTER’s program “in environmental law and territorial management” and organized by Prof. Marisa Meli from the Department of Law at the University of Catania, featured a significant presentation by Prof. Giuseppe Cirelli. He discussed the topic of “hydrogeological...

5 October 2022 0 Comments

“NAWAMED” – Green Infrastructures: An Innovative Solution to Mitigate Flood Risks and Improve the Quality of Rainwater Discharges

From October 3rd to 5th, 2022, in Syracuse, Sicily, Italy, the event “NAWAMED: Mediterranean Green toward Climate Change, Adaptation and Circular Water Management” event, held in Syracuse took place. During this event, Professor Giuseppe Cirelli, Professor Feliciana Licciardello, and Dr. Liviana Sciuto from the Department of Agriculture, Food and...

15 September 2022 0 Comments

GiFluid – 3rd Project Management Meeting

A two-day meeting as part of the GiFluid project was organised at the ‘Għajn National Water Conservation Awareness Centre’. The GiFluid project is a 30-month Interreg Italia-Malta funded project that will implement pilot flood mitigation projects and the development of flood modeling platforms in Malta and Sicily. Representatives from the...
