2 February 2023 0 Comments
101 idee per Catania

The initiative “101 ideas for Catania for the regeneration of Catania with interventions to mitigate hydrogeological risk“, organized by the Order of Engineers of Catania in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Dicar), University of Catania (Unict) and the Municipality of Catania, and supported by Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3a) and CSEI Catania– Center for Applied Economics to Engineering, aimed to promote new ideas and projects aimed at enhancing the city of Catania. The themes ranged from urban furniture to sustainability, from urban planning to building recovery, and from the technological sector, standing out for originality and innovation. During the initiative, under the coordination of the councilor of the order Stefano Cascone, working groups were formed and project areas were assigned, and all this was discussed in the Museum of Representation of Catania with the participation of various experts.

The concluding event took place on January 27, 2023, at the order of engineers in Catania, with greetings from the president of the Order of Engineers, Mauro Scaccianoce, from the rector of the University, Francesco Priolo, from the Extraordinary Commissioner for the management of the Municipality of Catania, Matteo Ignaccolo, director of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Catania (Dicar), Mario D’Amico, director of the Department of Agriculture and Food and Environment of Catania (Di3A) and Simona Porto, president of the LM75 course – SAFEGUARD OF THE TERRITORY, THE ENVIRONMENT AND THE LANDSCAPE – of the same department, and Filippo Di Mauro, president of the Foundation Order of Engineers.

During the event, several reports were presented concerning hydraulic risk and climate change by Eng. Luca Cavallaro and David J. Perez, nature-based solutions for managing surface runoff by Professor Licciardello and Professor Cirelli, and measures for financing and implementing works to reduce hydraulic risk with Eng. Laudani. Also, Eng. Viviana Pappalardo discussed water and cities, proposing integrated approaches for planning resilient urban areas.

Also, the presentations of the projects of the participants were exhibited, in particular that by the working group, which included various professional figures such as agricultural engineers and landscape architects. Salvatore Barresi, Luca Buscemi, Emanuela Rita Giuffrida, Salvatore Salamone, Scavera Vincenzo, and Liviana Sciuto presented a project titled “Drainage works and nature-based solutions for mitigating hydraulic risk in the area of the Garibaldi-Nesima Hospital” winning a position on the podium. The project proposal was carried out within the framework of the GIFLUID project, for which the (Di3A) of the University of Catania is the lead, and within the research themes of the CSEI Catania.

Watch the video of the project “101 Ideas”

Finally, we invite you to watch the full video presentation “Drainage works and nature-based solutions for mitigating hydraulic risk in the area of the Garibaldi-Nesima Hospital” available on the YouTube channel “PON METRO Catania”, specifically from minute 2:54 to minute 3:59. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOu_qdJTvH8&ab_channel=PONMetroCatania

Final Awards

On March 31, 2023, the winners of the “101 ideas for the regeneration of Catania with interventions to mitigate hydrogeological risk” competition had the opportunity to compare themselves with other realities of the Italian territory, interacting with technicians and experts during a technical visit to the “Terzo Valico dei Giovi” and that of the “Scolmatore a Genova”. The technical visit was supported by Webuild.

The photographic repertoire used publicly comes from the social channels of the order of engineers (Facebook) and from personal sources.
